Saturday, September 25, 2010

Updates Coming

Hello dear blog followers.....thank you for being patient with me. The last 3 months have been a bit hectic to say the least :) While I have not been updating my blog in a timely fashion I have been using it as a place to journal and save as a draft. That is why the dates on some posts are old but it is showing up as new! I just haven't had the time to upload pictures but I have been taking them. So, I will catch up someday....and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miss G- 3 Year Check up

Going the doctor with Grace has always been an experience. She has always been terrified of Dr. Tim and pretty much cries through her whole appointment no matter how much I try to prepare her. This time she was a little timid but kept it together the whole appointment. Dr. Tim asked her if she has been to the zoo this summer and what her favorite animal was, she said the rhinoceros'. Plain as day...bahahahahaha. She was really good while he checked her over and passed all the tests :)
At the end of the appointment she got 2 shots and she DIDN'T SHED A TEAR!! The nurse and the NP said that one of them really stings and 90% of kids cry. My tough little munchkin!!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jillian & Lyla: 2 months

Jillian and Lyla are 2 months old. They have grown so much. We are getting smiles and coos and they are starting to sleep a little better. The smiles make it all worth it. Jillian smiled in response to me about 2 weeks before Lyla. Jilli is very social, she loves to look at faces and to be held. Lyla is still struggling with some gas and she likes to be held upright but she also likes to study people faces. They like to hold hands while nursing in tandem and it is pretty funny when they actually focus on each other. I still put them down in the pack n play for naps together. I start them apart but they slowly move towards each other so they are touching. Twins are a force of nature so fun to watch. 

 The stats on Jilli Bean at 2 month check up (9/7):
                                                          10.11 lbs (34th percentile)
                                                          22.3 inches long (34th percentile)
The stats on Lyla Bean at 2 months check up (9/7):
                                                              10.1 lbs (19th percentile)
                                                               22 inches long (23rd percentile)

The beans are getting big!! Especially considering that they have gained 4 lbs, 2 inches, and come from the 2nd/3rd percentile in 2 months.