Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Jillian & Lyla: 6 Months

I had no idea what to expect 6 months ago. Twins. Two babies. I was scared and I knew that my life was going to change and it was going to be really hard.

What I didn't expect was that it was going to be so....wonderful. Now I am not trying to say that it isn't difficult at times but having twins has been amazing. Two babies is quite literally double the joy. These two have absolutely and completely stolen my heart. They are so different. They are so alike. They have this incredible bond with each other but still love their mama.

I have been blessed with angel babies. They are a force of nature that I feel lucky to be a part of. Below, I have written a letter to each of them for memory's sake.

Dear Jillian Kate,

Also known as Jilli, Jilli Bean, Beaners, Beanie, Beanie Baby, and Chunky Monkey. You are my sweet girl. It is hard to believe you came into our world only 6 months ago because now I can’t imagine my world without you in it. Daddy and I cried tears of joy when we saw you for the first time and you have continued to be an absolute joy ever since. You are the happiest baby. You fill our house with happiness and I can’t help but smile when I see your sweet face. Smiling for you is a whole body experience. You are charming and social and people instantly fall in love with you. You remind me a lot of your big sister Grace when she was a baby. I feel like I get to relive some of her babyhood with you. Speaking of that big sister, you love her so much. You love when she talks to you and to watch her play. You are very sensitive in in-tune to Lyla too. When she cries it startles you and makes you upset. You love to be close to her and to hold her hand. You will forever be baby A, #1 of the matched set and you play that role very well. While you are extremely good natured, you are a bit impatient and don’t like to be kept waiting. When you are tired you just can’t cope. So far you have hit your milestones a little earlier than your little sister by 7 minutes, always just a few steps ahead.  You like your paci at night when you are falling asleep. It took us a while to figure it out but you like to sleep on your belly and you love to have your head rubbed, it soothes you and makes you happy. You laughed for the first time this past week and it was one of the best sounds I have ever heard. You had daddy and I in tears laughing at you and your guttural belly laugh. You also like to blow raspberries and talk to people. You have always loved to be talked to and to look at faces. You reach your little hand out to touch faces like you are studying every feature. You love music and to be sung too. Even when you were just a newborn you would react to singing and dancing on TV. Maybe you will have a future in Broadway and be the only one in our family with musical ability? You are such a blessing Jilli Bean. You make my heart full and make our lives feel complete. I love you and Happy ½ Birthday.




 Dear Lyla Claire,

Also know as Lyla Bean, Ya-Ya, Ya-Ya Bean, Peanut, Scooter, and Slobber Monkey. You are my amazing little peanut. You came quite literally shooting into our lives 6 months ago and have been full of surprises ever since. It is hard to believe you have only been here for 6 months because now I can’t imagine life with you. You march to the beat of your own drummer and I love that about you. Your first 7-8 weeks you must have had some awful gas pain because you cried a lot and just seemed uncomfortable. And compared to your twin, Miss Happy Pants Jilli, it would have made anyone look bad! But you are like the little engine that could. We have learned not to underestimate you little one. Now you are the most content baby I have ever encountered. We may have to work a little bit harder for a reaction out of you but when we get one it makes it that much more special because you are so animated. You are kinda goofy. You make us laugh with your antics already. You have this look in your eye like you are up to something and you never stop moving! I have a feeling you are going to be our stinker, giving us all a run for our money. But all you have to do is flash that crooked smile and mama melts. That is the same crooked smile your daddy has and I love that he passed it down to you for me to fall in love with all over again. You love to watch your sisters but they spend most of their time trying to get your attention not the other way around.  You will forever be baby B, #2 in the matched set. You are so good about waiting your turn and being patient. You don’t get worked up about much and I love that about you. You are just my laid back, happy little love. You have slept through the night on your belly since about 8 weeks despite Jilli crying right next to you. I think you are probably going to be our comedian, entertaining us at the dinner table and making us laugh. You are also perpetual motion: you are always moving and exploring. You have 2 speeds: full tilt or out cold. You are such a good sleeper, we just lay you down and you put your 2 fingers in your mouth and your little butt up in the air and are good to go. You are such a blessing Lyla Bean. You make my heart full and make our lives feel complete. I love you and Happy ½ Birthday.



At their 6 month check up on 1/3/11 here are the stats:
Jilli: 15lbs (22nd%) and 26.25" (58th%)
Lyla: 14lbs 3oz (12%) and 26" (48th%)