Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 33

My first week of modified bed rest. 2 days in and I was already feeling not like myself. I am going to have to keep myself occupied and busy. I have caught up on my expense reports,  finished reading 2 books, visited with friends, and washed baby clothes and bedding. Mere and Maelyn came to visit Wed-Fri.

Saw a Nurse-Midwife this week instead of the doctor. Why? Oh because I forgot when my appt was for like the 5th time this pregnancy. These babies are sucking the life from me!!  Everything looked great, I was measuring 42 weeks. She checked my cervix and there were no changes. Baby A has not "engaged" into my pelvic bone yet. She thought it would be at least another 2 weeks. That was good to hear.

The babies are proportioned like pineapple when it comes to weight -- a little over 4 pounds. (Length: more than 17 inches, head to heel.)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Visit From Mere

Mere came to visit since I am off of work and we didn't get to celebrate our birthdays together. It was so good to see her and Maelyn. We had a great couple of day but were quite the pair. I couldn't really take care of Grace so she was trying to help me but had her own newborn to take of. But, we managed!! Mostly we just hung out but did go to Duck Lake on Thursday for some fun in the sun.

I even managed to fit in a little mini photo shoot with Miss Maelyn...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 32

8 months preggo today!! The doc measured me on Friday and reported I am measuring 41 weeks pregnant. I replied, "no wonder I am so miserable". He asked me like he does every week if I was still working and I told him I was. We talked about all the contractions and pressure I have been feeling. He checked my cervix and while it was long and thick it was dilated 1 cm. He said, "Well, I think making it 32 weeks is pretty darn good and I am going to take you off work and place you on modified bed rest for preterm labor".

I was hoping to make it as long as possible working but my minimum goal was 32 weeks. I can barely walk and carry my work bag and driving long distances in pretty tough. I think it is time. Time to make sure these babies cook a little longer and that I make sure I am taking care of myself. No bonus check is worth having babies in the NICU and not able to come home with me because they are premature.

We also talked about delivery options. If the babies stay head down, I will give birth naturally in the operating room just in case a c-section needs to be performed. He discussed the possibility of baby B flipping after the delivery of baby A and the decision I would need to make at that point on a breech delivery or c-section. Breech deliveries are only possible with twins because baby A's head has already made its way through the birth canal. He said he was comfortable doing this but there are higher risks to both baby and me. He wanted to make sure I know what I want beforehand so I am not making a decision in the heat of the moment. Hopefully they will both stay head down and I won't have to make that decision. He reviewed my last ultrasound and thought the babies were growing appropriately (baby A was 3lbs 9oz, baby B was 3lbs 7oz). Then he dropped the bomb on me that he would induce me at 38 weeks. WHAT!! 38 weeks!!!! He has told me all along that 37 weeks is considered "full term" for twins and if I made it until then he would induce me. I freaked out and he tried to calm me and said "research shows... 38 weeks....bla bla bla". I didn't really hear all of it because I was thinking about how incredibly miserable I would be at that point. He said we will wait and see how the babies are doing and how big they are and make a decision when the time comes. He told me about 6 times during the appointment how great a job he thought I was doing. Damn that Dr. P :)

Each baby weighs as much as a large jicama -- about 3 3/4 pounds. (Length: about 16 3/4 inches, head to heel.)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 31

Getting closer and closer. Had my second non-stress test this week. This is to check the babies heart rates to make sure that they are healthy and getting enough oxygen. I had three contractions during the 40 minute test. The nurse midwife asked me if I was still working and I said yes. She asked me what I did and when I told her she told me I better go home and rest. The doctor explained that while I am only 31 weeks pregnant my uterus thinks there is only one in there and is stretched to full term so it starts to "practice" going into labor.

The babies now weigh as much as four navel oranges (so that would be 8 navel oranges in my belly). (Length: over 16 inches, head to heel.).

The BIG 3-0

Yup, turned the big 3-0 on May 11th. I am not one of those people that usually gets all worked up about birthdays but I was dreading this one for some reason. Not because I feel old but because I can't believe that 30 years of my life are gone, just like that. I couldn't have asked for much more in my 30 years: I have met and married the love of my life, we have an amazing little girl, a successful career, and I am pregnant with identical TWINS. I am extremely blessed and happy and just wish that life would go a little bit slower. I know the next few years are going to be even more a blur with 3 children and just hope that I can remember to take time to smell the roses :)

So I choose not to count my age not in years but in blessings. Speaking of blessings, being a mommy is definitely one of them. I did manage to get one pic of me and this little sunshine on the Monday between Mother's Day and my birthday:
I worked on my bday but managed to treat myself to a pedicure at lunch and Adam took me out to dinner for crab legs. He and Grace also gave me a beautiful diamond "journey necklace". We had some friends over for burgers and a bonfire on Saturday. 7.5 months pregnant with twins was not exactly how I thought I would celebrate my 30th but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 30

The babies are growing at an astounding rate. This week I started weeekly non-stress tests as well as ultrasounds every 2 weeks to estimate fetal size and weight to make sure the babies are thriving and growing properly. It feels good that they are keeping such a good eye on these babes. I continue to have Braxton Hicks contractions pretty frequently but nothing that is closer than 15 minutes apart. So lets take a look:

 The twins are the size of a good-size cabbage in weight, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds. (Length: about 15 3/4 inches, head to heel.) LeeAnn estimated their weights at 3lbs 1oz each on Thursday. Right on target and both head down!

And the belly, oh the belly. It just gets bigger and bigger....

Monday, May 3, 2010

Showered With Love

On Sunday, Beckie and Nicki threw me a baby shower. Both of these ladies are so excited about the twins arrival and wanted to do something to celebrate. It was at Duck Lake and it was absolutely beautiful. I felt very loved and blessed to be surrounded by all the people I love best.

I got a ton of diapers (which we are going to need a mountain for 2 babies!), lots of cute twin clothes, and most of the stuff off of the registry. Thanks to everyone's generosity, we are all set for these babies!!

After the shower we had our monthly supper club at the lake since all the girls were there anyway. It was a great time as usual and we even got a group picture :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Toledo Zoo

Adam has been off of work for the last couple of days (waiting for tile guys to finish or something) so he has been a stay-at-home dad. Which I think is pretty much the cutest thing in the world. On Thursday he took Grace to the park with some other mommies and on Friday he and Beckie took G and Noah to the Toledo Zoo. From the looks of the pictures they had a great day. Such a special relationship between Adam and Beckie and it is awesome that that relationship continued on in the next generation with Noah and Grace.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 29

Had a doctors appointment on Tuesday this past week. I am still having contractions just about every day so Dr. P decided to check my cervix and do a stat fetal fibronectin test. The test came back negetive which means that there is a 99% chance that I won't go into labor in the next 2 weeks. I am measuring 37 weeks (for a singleton). While checking my cervix he commented on the swelling "down there" and actually suggested that I ice it. You have got to be kidding me. Well, if it helps I will try anything at this point!! lol

The twins are as big as a butternut squash, weightwise -- about 2 1/2 pounds. (Length: a tad over 15 inches, head to heel.)