Sunday, May 16, 2010

The BIG 3-0

Yup, turned the big 3-0 on May 11th. I am not one of those people that usually gets all worked up about birthdays but I was dreading this one for some reason. Not because I feel old but because I can't believe that 30 years of my life are gone, just like that. I couldn't have asked for much more in my 30 years: I have met and married the love of my life, we have an amazing little girl, a successful career, and I am pregnant with identical TWINS. I am extremely blessed and happy and just wish that life would go a little bit slower. I know the next few years are going to be even more a blur with 3 children and just hope that I can remember to take time to smell the roses :)

So I choose not to count my age not in years but in blessings. Speaking of blessings, being a mommy is definitely one of them. I did manage to get one pic of me and this little sunshine on the Monday between Mother's Day and my birthday:
I worked on my bday but managed to treat myself to a pedicure at lunch and Adam took me out to dinner for crab legs. He and Grace also gave me a beautiful diamond "journey necklace". We had some friends over for burgers and a bonfire on Saturday. 7.5 months pregnant with twins was not exactly how I thought I would celebrate my 30th but I wouldn't trade it for the world!!


  1. Grace is looking more like you every day! So glad you were able to pamper yourself a deserve it!

  2. Happy belated birthday, Jane! I was thinking of you on the 11th (I always remember, b/c that is my mom's b-day, too. :-)))) You hit the nail on the head with this stmt, "Not because I feel old but because I can't believe that 30 years of my life are gone, just like that." I will be 30 very soon and feel the EXACT same way!

    Anyway, so happy to hear you were pampered on your special day!
