Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 32

8 months preggo today!! The doc measured me on Friday and reported I am measuring 41 weeks pregnant. I replied, "no wonder I am so miserable". He asked me like he does every week if I was still working and I told him I was. We talked about all the contractions and pressure I have been feeling. He checked my cervix and while it was long and thick it was dilated 1 cm. He said, "Well, I think making it 32 weeks is pretty darn good and I am going to take you off work and place you on modified bed rest for preterm labor".

I was hoping to make it as long as possible working but my minimum goal was 32 weeks. I can barely walk and carry my work bag and driving long distances in pretty tough. I think it is time. Time to make sure these babies cook a little longer and that I make sure I am taking care of myself. No bonus check is worth having babies in the NICU and not able to come home with me because they are premature.

We also talked about delivery options. If the babies stay head down, I will give birth naturally in the operating room just in case a c-section needs to be performed. He discussed the possibility of baby B flipping after the delivery of baby A and the decision I would need to make at that point on a breech delivery or c-section. Breech deliveries are only possible with twins because baby A's head has already made its way through the birth canal. He said he was comfortable doing this but there are higher risks to both baby and me. He wanted to make sure I know what I want beforehand so I am not making a decision in the heat of the moment. Hopefully they will both stay head down and I won't have to make that decision. He reviewed my last ultrasound and thought the babies were growing appropriately (baby A was 3lbs 9oz, baby B was 3lbs 7oz). Then he dropped the bomb on me that he would induce me at 38 weeks. WHAT!! 38 weeks!!!! He has told me all along that 37 weeks is considered "full term" for twins and if I made it until then he would induce me. I freaked out and he tried to calm me and said "research shows... 38 weeks....bla bla bla". I didn't really hear all of it because I was thinking about how incredibly miserable I would be at that point. He said we will wait and see how the babies are doing and how big they are and make a decision when the time comes. He told me about 6 times during the appointment how great a job he thought I was doing. Damn that Dr. P :)

Each baby weighs as much as a large jicama -- about 3 3/4 pounds. (Length: about 16 3/4 inches, head to heel.)


  1. Wow...hang in there Jane. I felt the same way when I found out my doctor does not induce until 42 weeks...and I was only carrying one! I am so, so glad you are taking time off work!! Take care of yourself, girlie :)

  2. Hang in there! The last few weeks are definitely the hardest. Have you decided what you are going to do if Baby B flips? Mine did & we did a breech extraction with no problems for me or Boston. Oh, and I delivered 37 weeks 4 days and they came home with me 2 days later so it is possible (no NICU time at all). Good luck - I'll be thinking of you these next few weeks. :)
