Friday, August 5, 2011


Well hello, dear blog. How I cherish you. Really I do, despite my lack of bloggy love. I had twins and forgot all about you. The 2 babies at the same time while working full time and you just fell by the wayside. I am going to try and do better. Promise, k? :)

Going to try this mobile blogging stuff. I think I can handle that, right? I so miss blogging because it gave my pictures and everyday life a "voice". FB is nice to remember little anecdotal things but there is no way to document it forever. At least not yet (someone get on that, will ya?)

I am going to make an effort because I know I am going to want to look back at it someday. I am not promising anything long or lengthy and the pictures are going to be straight from the iPhone but it is something.

So here it goes...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. JANE! OMG JANE! I thought you'd long since forgotten about your blog!! So glad to see a post from you :) Keep it up, girl... so true... Facebook is fun but I hate that there is no way to document yours statuses or anything like that. GRR. I set up my mobile a long time ago so whenever I felt like posting something on FB I'd post it to my blog as well... so it'd be documented, regardless of how little and insignificant it seemed. Its so worth it in the end.

  2. Also.. I see you used Blogpress. I've used it before and found that actually emailing the blog post to myself was easier as it let me save it as a draft (in email) if I didnt' get to finish it.

  3. So true! Glad you're trying to keep it up! I love seeing pics of your little cuties. :)
