Monday, June 11, 2012

Bullet Point Monday

  • Found out G was placed at Parma for Westerns school of choice. This was our last choice and extremely inconvenient. To say I am bummed is an understatement. Back to square one. Which is frustrating. Unless we can find someone to drive her from Parma to Concord everyday. Any takers? Or we stay in our 1200 square ft house in the city for the rest of our lives and send them to private school. UGH
  • Being a working mom really sucks sometimes. Not that staying home is all unicorns and rainbows. I try not to let work come first but sometimes it has too and that is difficult as a mother. Thank goodness for amazing grandparents who step in when we can't. And beer. 
  • Jillian has taken to yelling "Gooooo! Goooooooo!!!" at stop lights or stop signs or anytime we are stopped in the car. Perhaps I should cool it on the road rage. 
  • The twins have also started saying Please and Thank You. Pretty much the cutest ever. "Peeease" & "Tank Ew". Such polite little tornadoes. 
  • Beautiful weather we have been having here in the mitten. Soaking up all that sun at the lake. We are so lucky to have it as an outlet and feel like we are on vacation when we are there. Forget about laundry, expense reports, and all the other crap that is staring me in the face at home. I figure life it short, go to the lake. 

  • Sharing continues to be an issue for the twins. A constant battle in fact. Adam and I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous they are sometimes. Lyla being the little pit bull she is and Jilli playing the part of drama queen. Wowzers. Grace is the mediator. That child is either going to be a social worker or international terrorist negotiator :)
  • I have done 2 professional photography sessions in the last couple of months. A newborn and a one year old. I was nervous but they were so much fun to photograph. It makes me feel a bit vulnerable, putting my "art" out there

  • We go on vacation to Glen Arbor and the Sleeping Bear Dunes in 2 weeks. My in-laws have rented 2 houses close to Lake Michigan. So excited and hope we have a good week with hot weather. 
  • Jilli goes back on Thursday for her check up on her leg. I am hoping she is all healed up and can get that big cast off and enjoy the rest of the summer
  • My babies are turning 2. How did this happen? They are so much fun. Full of personality and better able to communicate with us. Parenting twins (especially toddler twins) is a challenge but like most things the rewards are so worth it
  • Grace told me she missed school today. Is this child mine? She has completed about half of her giant Kindergarten work book at nana's house. She is also going to take gymnastics and swim lessons this summer. She likes to be busy. In that way I know she is mine :)
That's it for my random thoughts! Happy Monday!!


  1. Hi there....I know you dont know me personally, I know Scott and Nicki from high school. My 4 kids stared at Paragon and after 4 years there we bought a house in Spring Arbor and they were placed in Parma. We no longer live in Jackson, however if you would ever like an opinion on Parma please email me and I will share our experience with you :-))

    1. I have heard Parma is great, has wonderful teachers. It is jut the farther away for us and for my parents to pick her up :(

  2. It's so funny you are talking about this because the two moms I met while in Jackson (one was in Lauren's wedding party and the other was the hairdresser) were also fretting about school decisions for their kindergardeners! So know you're not alone!! I know wherever Grace ends up she will excel. :)

  3. Aww, I wish we lived closer . . . I have been trying to find someone to take Max's 1 yr pics and having a really hard time! I know you would've done an amazing job!
