Wednesday, February 27, 2008

On your Sock

Heres a funny for ya. I am upstairs on the computer going through Grace's 6 month pictures that Nicole took trying to narrow them down. I go into Grace's room to ponder a photo arrangement and I hear music drifting up the stairs where Adam is feeding Grace. He has the iPod on and is listening to Pachelbel's Cannon in D (you know the wedding song- don't ask me why). Only he is singing his own words to it including the refrain, "you have carrots on your sock, carrots on your sock, carrrrrots on your sockkkk". I about lost it laughing at him. Weirdo :)


  1. That's too funny! There's a dad that posted songs on youtube that he sung to some songs... sooooo funny!

    let me know if that link goes through to you or not.. I hope it doesn't get cut off.

  2. oops it got cut off. Ok... try this...

    And cut/paste the two lines together

  3. oh darn! The second video is gone... here's his youtube account...
