Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

We spent our last days of summer soaking up the sun and doing summer things. I have been really bad about taking pictures lately. I have been trying to enjoy the moment and not always having to preserve it in pictures. Be present and part of the moment instead of just photographing it. I love having pictures to look back on but I think it's important for me to strike a balance there.

Friday night we took the kids to the Hunt Club for dinner and played in the game room. Saturday and Sunday we spent at the lake. Monday we started the day at the park, lunch at Wendy's, swimming at the Huff pool for G and daddy, and capped it off with a dinner picnic in the backyard.

Sounds lovely, right? Except Lyla cried nonstop through the whole picnic and refused to eat. Well, with 3 kids chances are someone is gonna be crying. Here we are trying to have this special family moment and we can't help but laugh at our failed attempt. Whew, those twinies. They are very clingy with the mama. It's exhausting sometimes! I used to go to bed early to get through a full day of school and 5 hours of practice. Now I go to bed early to be able to tackle the force that is 2 year old twins. This is harder :)

Speaking of going to bed early. Its was back to baths and books and lights out routine tonight. School starts tomorrow! Pictures to follow....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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