Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Father's Day

We spent Father's Day weekend at the lake. Actually, come to think of it we have pretty much spent every weekend since the beginning of June at the lake. That is why I am so behind on the blogging! LOL
Grace LOVES to color, or "colaar" as she says. She really likes to do it with her big cousins Lexi and Ally. It is pretty much the only time I see her sit still these days. Here she is working hard on daddy's Father's day card with Lexi.

Dooley thinks he is a helper. A girl and her dog. Our constant companion :)

Grace has become quite the daddy's girl. When I pick her up from Nana's house I always have to tell her we are going to go see daddy and Dooley to get her to leave with me. Her whole face lights up when she sees him. She helps him in the yard and when anything needs to be fixed she knows who to ask. I can't wait to see their relationship grow even closer and I fear for the boys that will want to date her some day.

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