Sunday, October 11, 2009

Flavor Fruit Farms

We took our second annual trip to Flavor Fruit Farms today. A little different from last year when there was no one there! It was crazy busy with a TON of fun things to do. Matt and Jenny joined us for the little excursion.
Grace loved the animals of course and she put away a donut like it was her job. She really liked the funny little white pumpkins. Just like her: one of a kind!

Even at two little Miss G is still quite shy. I keep waiting for the "stranger danger" to pass but it just doesn't. And its' not just strangers but people she knows well! It is just such a funny thing to me since she is so crazy at home and around her people. Also because I tend to be pretty outgoing so it is hard for me to relate. I just wish everyone could see her true personality instead of her clinging to mama- lol. I have read a little about this shyness in parents magazines and such and it says the best thing to do is to just let them warm up to situations in their own time and never force them to interact if they aren't ready.
It was a wonderful Sunday. Good family fun at the pumpkin patch, a nap, and just hanging at home. Doesn't get much better than that :)


  1. Of course she would go for the white pumpkin. She's just like her mom...with a style all her own! Love that little hat. I've got to learn how to make one of those!

  2. How cute! I love the pictures of her picking up the pumpkin.
