Thursday, November 5, 2009

The funny things she says

This kid has been cracking me up lately. Some of the things she says:

Me: you have to wear a coat, its cold outside
G: Yeah, it's cold out like a Penguin

G: Mama, too dark, turn on lights
Me: At night its dark and the moon comes out
G: Like the book! Goodnight moon, goodnight mouse, goodnight bunny, goodnight kittens...

G: Where dada go?
Me: He is at work.
G: No...dada hunting

G: Look daddy, I have jam-jams on!!
Adam: Wow, which ones?
G: The monkey ones!!

Other G-isms:



I tooted and its stinky

I watch Cailou

I run run nakie

Brush teef mama!

Laaaast one?? Last one, mama???

Thats nice!

washcloth is a "coff coff"

she was "Pebbles Pinpone" for Halloween

Ho-Ho come and give me presents

Teeny tiny babies

any R sound us a W sound, like "I'm a big Gurwl"

She says these funny things and it is just too cute. You can carry on a whole conversation with her now and she will tell you a story about her day. It amazes me what she picks up on and she remembers everything.


  1. OMG that picture! It just made my heart stop its so gorgeous. Love it. LOVE IT. And shit she looks old. OLD! When did she grow up!?!

  2. That's great you are keeping track of all the cute things Grace says. My friend's mom did that and put it all down in a little book that she gave her just before college. :)

  3. What a cutie! Great picture. She looks like you, by the way.

  4. I love your banner, that is adorable! Isn't this age fun... I love asking Aiden about his day - the stories are amazing!

  5. I love the picture and I LOVE your banner. She is adorable!

  6. Yeah... I'm gonna need a 5x7 of that pic for the hall of fame!!!!!!! Pretty please!!!!!! :-)

  7. Amazing picture! What a little cutie!!

  8. grace is beautiful! she should be a gap model! :)
