Friday, January 20, 2012

Count on ME

Grace started reading small words since this fall. She can now, with nana's help, read 1st reader books. Its amazing to watch her just power through a book and I find myself forgetting she is just 4. Maybe its a first born thing but my Miss G is an old soul. She is such a good kid. I know I have said it before but the child just really is. Sometimes I have to take a step back and remember she is only 4. Still a baby really. I count on her a lot. More than most four year olds probably. I worry that I put too much on her little people shoulders. I count on her to be patient. I count on her to help me with her little sisters. I count on her to be well behaved when out in public. I count on her to be brave and good at school. I count on her to understand mommy and daddy have a life too. And she does all these things no questions asked. I love this kid so much,  I hope she knows she can count on me too.

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