Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Goals for 2009

I always am very interested in people's New Year resolutions. I am not usually a resolution kind of gal but I do like to set some goals for the year. Last year my goals were to meet some mommy friends, loose that baby weight, and earn my biggest bonus check at work. I did pretty good at meeting all of those goals. My favorite resolution was in college when I vowed to try or learn something new every day. That was really fun and allowed me to grow as a person. I have been watching too much Oprah and I am trying to stick with that theme so this year my goals are as follows:

1. Exercise and get in touch with my spirituality. I would like to find a church that we like and a church community to be a part of. I want to attend church as a family and have my children grow up with a strong faith like I did.

2. Exercise my body by learning a new way to exercise. I hate going to the gym. Cardio bores me to tears. After being an athlete for so many years I kind of got burned out on working out. I am joining a yoga, pilates, or dance class and I am going to stick with it and hopefully even enjoy it!!

3. Learn how to use my Canon Digital Rebel SLR camera. I bought it in April and for the most part I am still on auto. I have read some things here and there but I need help. Major help. I WILL learn how to use all those settings!!

Well, now that I put them out there I have to stick with them. What are your New Year resolutions / goals?


  1. Attending Church is something I've been thinking about for Aiden and I as well.

  2. You should try out Grace Church on Dettman. Its where we go and is pretty laid back. Let me know if you want more info.

    Where are you thinking of taking a dance class at? If I wasn't pregnant, I would joining you on that! Keep me posted as to what you decide. I was going to take dance aerobic classes from Teresa Crippen. Here is her contact info:

    Teresa Crippen
    2301 Tyson
    Jackson, MI

  3. What awesome goals! I think my 2 main goals for this year are to find a job near my fiance' and sell my house. Both seem daunting to me, especially the house . . . just a little out of my control. Maybe I should set some goals that I actually have control of? :)

  4. great goals for 2009! i love it that you think you're watching too much oprah. i'm ticked that my hubby has been shutting the dvr off this week - the big 'better your life' week. it probably wouldn't be until 2010 that i watched it anyways. haha!

    good luck with your goals.

  5. I haven't really thought much about goals for the year. I would like to continue during aerobics even through some of my upcominig "bigger" months. :)

    I hope you find a good Church. I have been raised Catholic, but I love going to Westwinds. It's very laid back.

  6. Great goals. I need to figure out some for the upcoming year as well.

    We go to Westwinds, well.... we haven't lately... but I consider myself a member there. I love it- super laid back (think jeans and casual shirt), very cool music- they pull out some popular music that convey's messages as well as christian music too. When we were looking for a church we made a list and took suggestions and visited all of them. We stopped, obviously, when we found Westwinds. It definitely feels like home.

  7. I grew up in Grace Church, where LeeAnn goes, but I've also been to Westwinds. I love them both. Westwinds for the atmosphere and Grace for Pastor Mike Lee. My goals for 2009 are to become more than acquaintances with girls I know, exercise when my OB gives me the ok, get Jocelyn potty trained so she can start preschool this fall, and go on actual dates with my hubby or get together with other couples. I would love to do a dance, yoga, or pilates class. If you want an exercise buddy count me in! We could even go to Leslie's aerobics class with her :)

  8. Sounds like some good goals you have set for yourself. I like the theme! haha! I was wondering if you could tell me how you get the background on you banner? :)

    Good luck with your goals for 2009!

  9. We got the Canon Rebel XS for Christmas... and are slowly trying to learn how to use it... we got a mega zoom for it... so its fun to play around with it when we are at sporting events or whale watching!
