Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm Still Here

My husband informed me I am being a blog slacker. It has been kind of a rough week or so, I echo Nicki's sentiments. I have had an awful sinus infection, Grace was sick last week, I have been traveling the last two weekends, and between work, bills, house, and kid there was just no time to blog!! Excuses, excuses, right? :)

I have pictures and posts to share from the last two weeks but in the meantime here are some pics of my silly baby with a cabbage patch shoe on her foot. Yup, she INSISTED on wearing it home from my mom and dad's yesterday. After walking around with it on like she had a peg leg- lol! What a nut!!


  1. hahaha, um yeah.. it is.. my sort of "bucket list for 09" is on my 365 blog!!! And no I don't do any digital scrapbooking... Just good old fashioned normal scrapbooking!

  2. I have been terrible at blogging too. Good to hear from you!

    Love Grace's shoes. Too cute.

  3. Isn't it funny how they insist on wearing the funniest things? Aiden insisted he wear a Christmas shirt today, good thing we're staying home, lol.
