Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 28

Had another official ultrasound this week in addition to the one LeeAnn did on Friday. They confirmed that BOTH babies are head down and measuring about the same in size. Very good news!! I feel so blessed that they are doing so well in there and that I might be able to push these babies out naturally. It appears that Baby A is still Baby A as her head is closest to the opening of my cervix. They are both sitting waaaaay down low which explains why I can barely walk sometimes. They are each measuring about 2.5 lbs. That is 5 pounds of baby in me already!

Baby A taking a big gulp of amniotic fluid....
Baby B refusing to show us her face as usual but flashing us an upside down peace sign....
The twins are equal in weight to a Chinese cabbage -- about 2 1/4 pounds. (Length: almost 15 inches, from head to heel.)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 27

Had my doctors appointment on Monday last week. Before which I locked my keys in my car and was late for my appointment. They had a good time teasing me about that in the office. I am measuring a whopping 34 weeks. He checked my cervix again just to be extra sure since I am having contractions pretty regularly. Everything was good there. He asked me if I was still working which I thought was odd. I asked him when he thought I should go off and he said it depends on how I am feeling but in about a month I am going to be what would be full term pregnant size and pretty dang uncomfortable. He commented on the fact that I was still smiling at this point, hahaha. He is scheduling me for another "official" ultrasound at 28 weeks to check fetal size and weight. I will have another one at 32 weeks. I get to do my *yummy* glucose check before my 28 week appointment too. Bleh.

I got a handicap parking pass this week. I am feeling so much pressure and pain "down there" I need all the help I can get, lol :) I feel so dumb parking in handicap for pregnancy but I got twins on board here!!!

The babies are as hefty as a head of cauliflower, weighing in at almost 2 pounds. (Length: about 14 1/2 inches.)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 26

The babies are doing very well, it feels as if they grow every day. LeeAnn was able to get a measurement of baby B but A was not cooperating. Baby B was measuring a little small, 25 weeks, 1 day. She estimates her size at 1 lb 13 oz. Almost 2 pounds!! I ordered a belly bra today because pelvic floor pain and pressure continue to be an issue. I have to sit down like every 5 minutes and my walking pace is about that of a snail. It is a little bit frustrating being forced to take it easy so early but healthy babies are the goal!

Both babies are head down (woo hoo!). Baby B is on my left side but her toes are in my right rib. Baby A is on my right side and she has a foot directly under my belly button all the time. The skin is really thin there so I can pretty much feel her whole foot (see picture #4). Baby A's head is way down in my pelvis which explains some of the pressure I have been feeling. There is just a crazy jumble of limbs in there which you can see in picture # 3.  The coolest thing we saw was that baby A has hair!! (last picture).


The babies are the length of an English Hothouse Cucumber (very specific- heehee) this week. About 14 inches long and weighing a pound and 2/3.
 Here is the belly pic. Adam says it is getting out of control :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Pics

We started our Easter morning very early despite G going to bed very late the night before. That combined with the sugar rush of eating jelly beans for breakfast made the morning and church very interesting. We went to Schulers for brunch with Scott, Nicki, the kids, my mom and dad. We then headed to G & G Wilson's house to see Adam's side of the family.

We went with a Princess theme for the Easter basket this year. Princess vitamins, bandaids, DVD, pjs, and a t-shirt. She was thrilled of course. She got a beautiful Cinderella Barbie from Great Grandma Wilson along with lots of other goodies from her Grandma and Papa and Nana and Papa. She also loved her "Princess dress" because she could twirl in it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pregnancy: 25 Weeks

I kinda feel like I am starting over with this pregnancy. I have no idea what to expect and what is normal because there are 2. It will be the same when these two little ones are here, pretty much a whole new ballgame. Being the Type A personality that I am this really gives me some anxiety sometimes. I have joked the whole time that this was God's little joke on me. You think you can control and plan everything? NOT . SO . MUCH. , lol :)

But my excitement is finally starting to override the fear. I know it is going to be hard but I am just so looking forward to meeting these 2 little ones. To see two carbon copies of each other, to see if they are blond or dark, blue eyes or brown, to see a relationship with each other like no other, to see how different and alike their personalities are.

We are still struggling with names. We have it narrowed down to 4! HA!! We just love them all so it is really hard to choose. I guess we can't go wrong that way. We have told a few people to get opinions but for the most part are going to keep them a secret until the girls are born. Something has to be a surprise!!

Beckie and Nicki are throwing me a baby shower. I feel guilty and a little weird about this being that these aren't my first babies but they are insisting with twins I need to have another one. It is going to be May 2nd at Duck Lake. I sent an email out to a few of my twin mommy friends to ask what I really need and really need 2 of with twins. I have registered for a few big things like another crib, double stroller, and video monitor. I also need all new bottles being that mine were hand me downs the first time around and aren't BPA free. I found a swing just like the one G loved on Craig's list for $50 so now I have 2. I am borrowing a high chair, infant car seat, and bouncer from Leslie, another bouncer from LeeAnn, a BebePOD Seat from Nicki, a double car seat stroller from Lina, and a crib mattress from Beckie or Nicki. LeeAnn and Nicole are sewing the baby bedding for me. What wonderful and generous friends I have!!

Now we just need to find a car to fit all these children and the crap that goes with them, lol. We have moved Adam's closet and our office to the basement. All the totes full of decorations and baby clothes that were in the basement are now in the attic (again, thanks to the help from friends). Bought paint on Saturday and we are ready to paint the nursery!

The babies are the size of a rutabago (what in the heck is that? haha). 1.5 lbs each and measuring 13.5 inches in height from head to heel.