Saturday, July 3, 2010

Home Sweet Home

We were lucky enough to have quite a few visitors before we left the hospital. In addition to all of our immediate family: Great grandparents Dawson and Great grandparents Wilson, Aunt Valerie, the Tylutkis, Mandrelles, McDonalds, Collins, Kristen, Monica, Katie, Nicole, and LeeAnn.

Our first picture as a family of 5 :) Do I look tired or what? We were so blessed to have such healthy babies that got to go home after only 2 days! Pretty rare for twins. We were so glad to get home, that hospital room was just not big enough for the 4 of us. Grace was thrilled to be taking her sisters home and to get back to some sort of normalcy. Well, as normal as our lives are going to be with 3 kiddos under 3, lol! She has done so well with all of this. She adores her sisters and loves to hold them and kiss them.

You put hats on these babies and you can't tell them apart. We will be relying on the fact that Jilli has more hair for a while. They are so teeny in those car seats. When we left the hospital Jillian weighed 5.8 lbs and Lyla was 5.5 lbs.


  1. omg that last picture with Grace in her "Big Sis" tee is about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  2. I'm so glad you are doing some updates! I was having withdrawls from hearing about the twins. Dumb question: why does the date say July but it is posting in September?

  3. Grace looks so happy and proud in these photos. I'm sure she is a great big sis! I also love that pic of Mere with one of the babies :)
