Sunday, July 4, 2010

1st Days at Home

 We have been hanging in there her at the Dawson household. Still can't quite believe we went from a family of 3 to a family of 5 in an instant. I look at these 2 baby beans and can't believe that they were inside of my body just a few days ago.

 They are really good babies. Very sleepy right now so we don't see eyeballs very often. They definitely have their days and nights confused but they will figure it out. Breastfeeding has been a challenge. We are continuing to syringe feed both babies after attempting to nurse them. Our little peanut, Miss Lyla, is doing much better than Jilli, Jillian is still not latching on at all. We have been visiting the lactation consultant which has been a huge help and relief. Julia has been so supportive and really has given me the confidence that I can breastfeed twins. It has not been easy, however, the whole process of trying to nurse each baby, syringe feed, burp, change, and pump takes 1.5-2 hours. Then an hour later we start the whole process over again. 24 hours a day. Luckily my mom is staying with us and thank the good Lord for her :)
They are just the sweetest, so fun to cuddle and snuggle. I love to just stare at their perfect little faces.They like to be in the boppy together. I swear I did not position them like this, they just kind of migrated towards each other so they were touching foreheads. We have found that they are happiest when together so we have been putting them in the same crib.

Big sister Grace is doing great. She loves to kiss and snuggle them too. She really enjoys holding them in the boppy like a big girl and gets mad when someone comes to visit and she doesn't get a turn holding one of them.
I had my first outing with them by myself when we went to the pediatrician when they were 5 days old. I did pretty good, getting them there on time, carrying both car seats, and juggling 2 babies while talking to the pediatrician. I was feeling pretty good about myself until I came outside and saw I left the back hatch of the mini van up the whole time I was in the office, lol.

We also had our first outing as a family to Scott & Nicki's for a BBQ. People think I am pretty much insane for taking out 5 day old twins. BUT, it was family and it was good to get out of the house for a while.


  1. they are so beautiful! ALL 3 of your kids- just beautiful! :)

  2. LOVE the pics of G with the babies. So sweet and adorable! :)
