Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Going Organic

In January, we decided to take baby steps towards going organic. Milk and eggs.

Adam and I watched the documentary "Food Inc." You should watch it. Like now. Will scare the hell out of you. And change the way you look at the grocery store forever.

We go through a lot of milk in this house. Like 2 gallons every 2-3 days a lot. Organic IS expensive. Like $6-7 a gallon expensive. But worth it. I hope :)

The good news is that it has started a cascade of other heathy habits. Exercising on a regular basis. Trying to eat more whole, unprocessed foods. We are putting a garden in this Spring, buying more organic meat, and eating more venison.

I'm not writing this to pat ourselves on the back but to share I am the least likely convert. And maybe provide a little education. I gotta say I thought it was a lotta hooey. A lot of expensive hooey. But its not. And not only because of our own health. Do some research. Give it a try.

Here is to healthy living :)

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Goofy Girls

I cant believe my sweet little twinsies are not "babies" as we always refer to them but toddlers. These 2 are a force to be reckoned with. They do everything to the max.

They eat to the max

Sleep to the max

Play to the max

Get dirty to the max

Fight to the max

LOVE to the max

It seems their motto is go big or go home. They make me laugh. Oh how they make me laugh. My dad says that I think they are the funniest and I really do. They just make me smile and make my heart full. This only encourages their antics but oh well :)

They never stop unless they are sleeping. They are on the move, climbing, exploring, running... But then they will slow down for a minute and want a snuggle. A quick hug or squeeze and they are off again. They love their big sister the best and think she is just the coolest. in fact they love her so much they are always getting into her stuff, destroying her art work, and generally being little nuisances. She is so patient with them though, it was like she was made to be their big sister.

Their relationship with each other is amazing. They fight like cats and dogs. Lyla is forever taking from Jilli and Jilli is (understandably so) always on the defense. It is hard to make any clear judgements yet but I think they may have some of mommy's "bull dog-ness" (as my brother puts it).

Then the next moment they are holding hands, hugging, or rubbing each other's back. The most incredible thing they do is touch foreheads. They have done it since they were newborns.

I believe it is twinspeak for "I love you".

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

-Allison Krauss "When You Say Nothing At All"

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Goals Goals Baby

Rocked out my first goal of the new year. Oh yeah. Ran my first ever 5K.

And when I say run I mean I actually ran the whole thing. I am pretty darn proud of myself. Proud that I stuck out the training through the snow and cold outside. Through being sick and not being able to run for a few weeks. Through starting out not being able to run more than a minute.

I got the bib and t-shirt the night before the race and I have to admit I still couldn't believe I was actually choosing to run in a race. I felt all excited and nervous like before a gymnastics meet. I have to admit, it was great to feel that again.
I ran 3.1 miles in 36.5 minutes. I did not stop. I beamed with pride that my children and hubby were there to cheer me on.

At one point my friend Kristen exclaimed she felt great! Do you feel great?! My reply was I wouldn't classify what I was feeling as great but hell, I was still running right? :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Car Chronicals

G: Mommy, why was I the first?

These are the type of questions Grace likes to sling at me while riding in the car.

J: Well, um, I guess because God decided that you were going to be the first.

She processes this.

J: Do you like being the first?

G: Uhhhhh, yeah. I guess I do.

I go on to list all the great things about being the first (coming from the baby of the family mind you so this was a bit of a stretch). As I am droning on and on (apparently) she says:

G: What if I was a fairy and I flew up to the sun and touched it with my finger?

Oh to be 4.