Thursday, March 15, 2012

Goals Goals Baby

Rocked out my first goal of the new year. Oh yeah. Ran my first ever 5K.

And when I say run I mean I actually ran the whole thing. I am pretty darn proud of myself. Proud that I stuck out the training through the snow and cold outside. Through being sick and not being able to run for a few weeks. Through starting out not being able to run more than a minute.

I got the bib and t-shirt the night before the race and I have to admit I still couldn't believe I was actually choosing to run in a race. I felt all excited and nervous like before a gymnastics meet. I have to admit, it was great to feel that again.
I ran 3.1 miles in 36.5 minutes. I did not stop. I beamed with pride that my children and hubby were there to cheer me on.

At one point my friend Kristen exclaimed she felt great! Do you feel great?! My reply was I wouldn't classify what I was feeling as great but hell, I was still running right? :)


  1. Way to go!!!! I think that is awesome that you did this. :)

  2. WOO HOOO! So awesome. And look at those cutie butt kiddos of yours!!
