Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Car Chronicals

G: Mommy, why was I the first?

These are the type of questions Grace likes to sling at me while riding in the car.

J: Well, um, I guess because God decided that you were going to be the first.

She processes this.

J: Do you like being the first?

G: Uhhhhh, yeah. I guess I do.

I go on to list all the great things about being the first (coming from the baby of the family mind you so this was a bit of a stretch). As I am droning on and on (apparently) she says:

G: What if I was a fairy and I flew up to the sun and touched it with my finger?

Oh to be 4.


  1. Oh, I get such a kick out of your posts. It prepares me for what lies ahead! Grace seems like such a sweetheart. Those twins are lucky to have such a wonderful role model to look up to.

  2. HAHAH! love the randomness of kids :)
