Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Going Organic

In January, we decided to take baby steps towards going organic. Milk and eggs.

Adam and I watched the documentary "Food Inc." You should watch it. Like now. Will scare the hell out of you. And change the way you look at the grocery store forever.

We go through a lot of milk in this house. Like 2 gallons every 2-3 days a lot. Organic IS expensive. Like $6-7 a gallon expensive. But worth it. I hope :)

The good news is that it has started a cascade of other heathy habits. Exercising on a regular basis. Trying to eat more whole, unprocessed foods. We are putting a garden in this Spring, buying more organic meat, and eating more venison.

I'm not writing this to pat ourselves on the back but to share I am the least likely convert. And maybe provide a little education. I gotta say I thought it was a lotta hooey. A lot of expensive hooey. But its not. And not only because of our own health. Do some research. Give it a try.

Here is to healthy living :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I am so with you on this! I try to give Max as much organic fruits and veggies as possible (if they are on the "dirty" list.) We buy organic milk on occasion - need to do it more often - and have been thinking of moving to organic meat. All the stuff that's in our food is scary!

  2. I LOVE our garden in the summer knowing right where the veggies are coming from. It is worth the work! Most of the meat that we eat is either organic or venison and we drink organic milk and buy organic eggs.

    It sounds like you are making some great choices for you and your family.

    Ps...I REALLY need to make a better effort at the exercise too. :))))
