Thursday, June 5, 2008

10 Months

Everyday I look at her and she is less of a baby and more of a toddler. Today my mom told her cousin Ally that in two months Gracie was going to be one. Ally burst into tears and said she doesn't want her to be one. I kinda feel the same way.
  • She has added waving and pointing to her bag of tricks. This is especially fun when she does it to strangers and it makes them really uncomfortable
  • She LOVES her Papa and has him wrapped around her little finger. I guess that explains how I turned out the way I did :)
  • Just today her new work is "Doo-doo" for Dooley. I am not sure she knows she is a human baby. She might think she is a Scottie Dog.
  • She eats her cheerios or puffs in her high chair like this: one for me, one for mama, one over the side for Dooley and Sydney
  • Still no news on the crawling front. I am told not to worry and to enjoy the immobility while I can. She continues to stand and cruise around furniture
  • She is obsessed with books. She can turn the pages by herself and she points to the pictures. Her favorite is to find the teeny tiny lady bug in "The Grouchy Ladybug"


  1. Lukas didnt crawl until he was 10 months and then didnt walk until 14 months. Enjoy it while you can, but when it does happen it will be exciting too!

  2. Enjoy the immobility while you can. After they start, they don't stop!!!

    Cute new banner.

    See you tonight for our wild and crazy girls night out. :) hahaha.
