Friday, June 27, 2008

Much Better...

and other random thoughts.

  • I know I am totally going to jinx myself by writing this but Grace has been doing much better since Monday. She has been going down for naps no prob as well as going to bed at her normal 7:30/8 and sleeping until morning without standing in her crib. YAY! Thank the lord she has always been a good sleeper because man I could not handle sleep deprivation and a full time job without losing my mind.
  • Has anyone seen the show "Wipeout"? OMG it is hilarious. I was literally crying it was so funny. These contestants go through a timed crazy obstacle course. There is play by play commentary too that makes the show. They have these things called the big balls that just get me every time. I know all you gymnasts would love it. Maybe that's why I think its so funny- I was always the one laughing when someone straddled the beam- HAHAHA. Tues @ 8 pm.
  • We have fallen in love with a house. It is a foreclosure in the perfect location. I am seriously considering calling a realtor and putting our house on the market. How impulsive is that?
  • We are on our way to the lake this weekend. I think we are going to stay both tonight and Saturday night and the Duck Lake Garage sale is on Saturday. Who-hoo! Fun for all!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Yay for Grace! I'm sure her naptime strikes were just a little phase. Glad she's doing better!

    I've never seen Wipeout. I'll have to attempt to remember its on Tuesdays. No DVR for us... boo.

    The house... well, I say go for it. Want to know how we decided to sell our house? I couldn't find a teaching position and had plans to do in-home daycare. Which would cover my income plus a larger mortgage payment. Well, we put our house up for sale, I ditched the daycare plans and we never really reconsidered taking our house off the market even though I still am not working full time LOL! It was seriously one of those spur of the moment "Hey I have an idea for how to make money since I can't find a full time teaching position" type of thing.

    We're doing the Somerset Lake garage sale this weekend too. My profits are going to buy a Menards Gift Card to buy paint for the house LOL!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG, Wipeout is me and Drew's new favorite show. I confess that we DVR'd it I and watched it two times. I laughed equally has hard the second time I watched it too.

    I say go for the house! Where's it located? Just keep in mind it might take awhile for yours to sell (I hope not though!) Says the girl who's house has taken 1 year and STILL had only one showing.

    Glad Grace is sleeping better! I think I am going to email you, I have something to ask...

    And sorry, I am the dope that deleted my comment by accident. Oops, sorry about that!

  4. Oh Ive seen previews for Wipeout, but havent watched it yet! I'll have to try to remember to catch it on this week! Whats funny is that the Japanese have been doing crazy shows like this for years!
    As for the house, why not? Put it on the market and see what happens. Im hoping ours sells, so we can get into the buyers market here shortly. There are some great houses for great deals out there!

  5. I agree with all the other comments. It can't hurt to try to sell your house if you really want to try to get into something else. The only thing I would advise is for you to not get your heart set on something else before you have the freedom to buy it. Much easier said than done, but you don't want to be stuck with two mortgage payments!

    You'll have to tell me more about the house you guys have fallen in love with!!!
