Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The big blow out bash

I am still recovering .... from the big blow out bash of a first birthday party we had last Sunday. We had about 60-70 people attend and it went pretty well: food was good, Grace was happy, and I think everyone had fun. My only disappointment was I spent hours doing a video slide show of pictures and video clips from her first year and you couldn't see it very well projected on the wall. Oh well... I did have her (half finished) scrapbook and baby book out though so people could at least see a some pictures in those. God forbid not every moment of this child's life be documented :)
I didn't get too many pictures because I was pretty busy the whole day but I did get some of Grace eating her cake and the paparazzi capturing her every move! She had so much fun and loves all her new toys and clothes. She was asleep before we pulled out of North Shore Drive at the lake. It is so tiring being princess for a day!!
A humongous thank you goes out to everyone that helped: all Adam's aunts, and especially my wonderful MIL Ann and my mom- you are the best! Thank you for indulging me and my craziness! Thank you to everyone that came! I told her she isn't going to have another party like that until she graduates from high school- LOL.


  1. Aren't parties exhausting? I'm thinking my SIL has the right idea... big "everyone and their brother" parties at 1yr, 5yr, 13yr and 16yr (I think?) and the rest is just either immediate family (mom, dad siblings and occasionally grandparents/aunts/uncles ie: us LOL!). But... I remember having fun friend parties all through school so I can't imagine not doing that for the boys. I think, though, that I'm not doing big parties until the boys are in school and have actual "real" friends. Ok, maybe. Maybe not. HAHA!

    Anyway... the party looks like it turned out great! I LOVE the pic of the "paparazzi"! AWESOME! HAHA!

  2. You are going to have to get her on "My Super Sweet 16" hahaha!

    We had fun! I love the pics. Especially the cake on the face shots. She's so stinking cute.
