Monday, August 4, 2008

Gracie is One!!

Click on the collage to make it bigger
It was one year ago today my life was completely changed by a sweet little baby. After 13 hours of labor (with no drugs!) Grace Elizabeth came into this world at 5:14 pm weighing 7 lbs 7 oz. She shocked us all with her bright eyes, chunky physique, and tons of dark hair. I remember looking into her little face and being amazed that I produced this little being and that she knew I was her mama.

Fast forward a year. Gracie has developed in so many ways. Here is a snapshot of her at a year.

  • She loves to talk (babble really). She will carry on a non-sensical conversation with you and is sure to drop in a few of her favorite words such as "Doo-lay" (Dooley), Iiiiii (Hi), and "Uh-oh".
  • All animals are Doo-lay. She calls people by yelling "YA YA!?!
  • She can climb a full flight of stairs in a minute flat
  • She walks around everything and can take about 6 steps at a time and stand and balance for about 30 seconds
  • She is such a happy kid most of the time. I cannot believe how lucky we are
  • She belly laughs when you tickle her. Her tickliest spots are under the arms
  • She loves her blankie and is sure to grab it before you take her out of the crib for one more cuddle. The corner with the tag is her favorite to sniff and suck on
  • She makes this crazy face where she scrunches up her nose and mouth and sniffs. It cracks me up every time
  • Her kisses are complete with a pucker and sound effect of MUAH!
I can't believe it has been a year. Her big birthday bash is on Sunday but we had Grandmas and Grandpas, Scott, Nicki, Ally, & Luke, and Jeremiah & Alexis over for pizza and presents this evening. She got a little people plane, a "sweet pea" jacket and socks, a play purse complete with cell phone and change purse, some books, a medcal kit, a sand and water table, and a slide for the yard. She didn't know what to do with all those presents but luckily had lots of cousins to help her open and play with them.


  1. Happy Birthday Grace! I can't believe its been a year! I feel lucky to have seen her newborn self and now know her at a year old :) She's changed so much!

    Porter sucks on Rocky's tail (the purple dinosaur "lovey" of his). I'm glad to hear he's not the only sicko for sucking on a smelly lovey HAHA! Rocky has to be washed often or he reeks. Eww.

  2. Happy Birthday Grace! I can't believe it has been a year either. We are excited for her big bash so we can party with the birthday girl! :)

  3. Happy 1st birthday Grace! Jane, I remember you coming in to the office all cute and pregnant which seems like such a sort time ago! As always time flies so fast! She looks so cute with her little summer tan and did you cut her bangs? So so cute! Again, Happy Birthday Grace, hope your day is wonderful!!!

  4. Cutest pictures - especially your banner! You got some GREAT shots of Grace on the beach! Love it.

    Happy birthday Gracie!!! We love you...........

  5. Happy birthday, Grace. Isn't it crazy how fast time flies?! I hate it.

    Love your new banner and the collage you put together. Hope you had fun on vacation. :)

    Talk to you soon.

  6. Happy 1st B-Day Grace!!! Next time I come back to MI I would love to meet you :) LOVE your Blog Jane! Can't wait to see some pics from vacation!! Take care,

  7. Happy Birthday Grace! She is really looking so very cute! Love the new banner too!

  8. Happy birthday to grace!!! Those are some really cute pictures!!! How fun!

    Love the new banner!! It looks great!

  9. Happy Birthday Grace!:) Sounds like she had a great day!
