Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One Year Doctors Appointment

Grace had her one year check up yesterday. She was talking and babbling to Dr. Tim and showing him all her tricks. He looked at me and said, "I have a feeling there is never a dull moment with her around". Ain't that the truth :) She was her usual little miss crazy pants until Dr. Tim actually had to touch her. Then all hell broke loose. Followed up by three shots and one finger poke. We will have to work with her with the play doctors kit she got for her birthday so next time it hopefully isn't so traumatic. You would have thought they were severing a limb- jeez.

The stats:
21.4 lbs
29.5 inches long

She has pretty much stayed anywhere between the 50th and 75th percentile since birth. Dr. Tim also told me that it is time to start whole milk and weaning her off the bottle. Which is going to be waaaaaay harder for me than her. She is down to one in the morning when she gets up and one at night before she goes to bed. This is pretty much the only time she will sit still and cuddle anymore. For a guilt ridden working mother this is "our time". It absolutely breaks my heart to give it up. Wahhhhhh.....why is he trying to rob me of my baby!?!


  1. I was sad to fully wean Porter off his night bottle too- he was like Grace- at 1yr he had an am and pm bottle (right when he woke up and before bed) and we easily cut out the morning bottle but the evening one I held onto until he was 14mo old. It was all "me" though... he transitioned fine. Remind me to tell you a story tomorrow when we meet for lunch :) I don't want to post it here.

  2. I was sad to let that evening snuggling time go, too. Reyna weaned herself and that was hard because I felt like she didn't "need" me to cuddle with anymore.
