Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now

It was a very nice. relaxing weekend. Friday night I went scrapbooking at Nicole's with her and LeeAnn. I think I got about 5 pages done despite only having like 2 pictures printed out.

Saturday G and I went shopping with my mom at Briarwood to get Grace fitted for some shoes at Stride Rite. She hates shoes, she hated the lady who tried to measure her, and basically had a breakdown in the store. The drama. But, $50 freaking dollars later we have shoes that fit and are comfortable and know she is a 5.5 wide.

We also visited my cousin Sarah who just had her third boy Henry. He is so sweet and cuddly and definitely didn't help my baby fever. It was great seeing Sarah and the boys. I came home to an empty house (Adam was in Lansing with his cousins) and watched 3 episodes of Greys and Private Practice on DVR. It is nice to be home along sometimes :)

These pictures were taken this morning when I was trying to fold laundry. Grace's hair was CRAZY and Adam thought it was funny. She promptly unfolds everything as fast as I can fold it. I also took her to Meijer this afternoon for my monthly big grocery shopping trip. She is starting to recognize things so this is also getting a bit more difficult. She was standing up in the cart, screaming and pointing when she wanted something, and generally had ants in her pants. Not as easy as it used to be to take her places.

We put the highchair away today. Physically she still fits but hates being in it. The only reason we kept her it it so long was because we usually eat at the kitchen island and only have two chairs. So, we started a new family tradition of eating at out dining room table for dinner this evening with G in her booster. She thought she was such a big girl. Now i just need to find her a fun placemat. Any suggestions?

She has Girl Scout thin mint cookies all over her face. Which we are currently keeping in our china cabinet. Classy.....

Hope you had a great weekend too..........


  1. At least you have cookies left! Mine were gone the first day.

  2. David tried to leave a comment on my blog and screwed up my account. It's Sadie, not Dave :)

  3. I really can't believe how old she is looking lately!

    I'm cracking up at the high chair b/c weren't we just talking about high chairs on Friday? HAHA!

    Love the classy Jackson china cabinet decor. ;)

  4. Jeez, Jane...get some class, would ya? I just don't know if I can hang out with someone who keeps their Girl Scout cookies in the China cabinet. :) hahahahaha.....

    It's funny, b/c Reyna is a 5.5 wide, too. Weird. Glad to hear that you bought shoes. I am all for having a couple of good quality shoes. It's so much better for their feet.

    I LOVE being home alone. shhhh..don't tell Jade. It's just so peaceful and quiet..and rare. hahaa. :)

    Is THursday good for lunch?

  5. I need to buy Sophia some shoes... I was thinking about Pedipeds. Luke NEVER wore shoes until he was like 2 and even now he takes them off all the time heehee

  6. Cute pictures. Grace is looking so big, I love her face when she is sitting in the big girl chair. :) Too cute. And I love the wild hair.

  7. I'm loving the girlscout cookies in the china cabinet...I'm still waiting for mine to arrive...i keep my thin mints in the freezer. Love and miss you.
