Saturday, April 25, 2009

Melt My Heart

As if this child could melt my heart any more. She started saying "I yuve you mama" about a month ago. I love you too baby... :)

Other G sayings:

  • Toothpaste, says it clear as can be and cracks me up every time
  • Baby cows at Uncle Jo's. Has been talking about the baby cows for going on 3 weeks now
  • Every morning she asks if she is going to Nana's house and as we pull out of the driveway she says "Bye Bye Dooley"
  • Mouse (we like to find the mouse in "Goodnight Moon")
  • Yeah. Says Yeah a lot. Always nice to have someone who agrees with you. Like "Mama is going to go to the grocery store" Grace, "Yeah". Hahaha
  • Mama do?
  • Help Mama
  • I poopy
  • Priey toes (pretty toes). Brings me the nail polish to paint her toes ALL the time
  • Soos and gocks (shoes and socks)
  • Cock (I kid you not- she means truck though, even better when she says Dada cock- OMG)
  • Bus. She looks for Ally to get off the bus every afternoon.
  • Birdie and kitty
  • Dukka (pacifier or mama's blackberry- maybe is is her word for special thing we cannot live without?!-lol)
  • Oh Bookie (said with exaperated tone)


  1. Soo cute that she says "I love you Mama"!! And did she say, "And baby" at the end?!?! LOL! Not expecting too are you?? LOL!

  2. she sounds so much like reyna. its so cute. reyan says goodbye to our animals everyday and she started saying, i love you a little while back. i am cracking up at her version of truck. too freaking funny.

    reyna is still talking about their ladybug outfits yesterday. :)
