Friday, March 14, 2008

My baby is pooping walnuts...

Grace has trouble at both ends. She is extremely constipated and teething. Before I had kids I swore I was not going to be one of those mom's obsessed with their baby's poo. But, here I am obsessed. Whenever someone other that myself encounters a dirty diaper I have to ask, "Was it soft? What color? Clay like? How much?". Adam looks at me like I have horns growing out of my head and is like, "I don't know, clay-like?"

Right now she is pooping walnut sized dry hard balls. That is, when she can get them out. Can you imagine how much that would hurt in her tiny little intestines and even tinier exit? She is so uncomfortable she isn't eating much, sleeping much and just isn't herself. She does this awful cry that breaks my heart. I have some serious mommy guilt about going scrapbooking tonight.

Poor kid.


  1. Where do you scrapbook at? I am jealous! I haven't scrapped in forever.

    Poor Grace and her poor little bum. What can you do about baby constipation? Prunes?

  2. My 4 year old has been like that all his life. It an early age his dr said to try putting a spoonful of fiber sure in his milk every morning. and it works for him!

  3. Poor Grace!! I'm glad you came out scrapbooking though. It was really nice to get to know ya! Look forward to doing it again!
