Grandma Ann got Grace a "Little
Tike's" baby swing a few weeks ago. She absolutely loves it and laughs and squeals with delight when we put her in it. She also likes to eat daffodils. Notice the "gimme gimme hand" that is always in full swing these days. The camera comes out and she wants to touch it. We show her a flower, she wants to eat it. I am talking on my cell phone, she wants to talk too. Always with the "gimme gimme hand".
My very crafty hubby got this big idea to take down a trellis we had in our back yard and build something we could hang the baby swing from. Now keep in mind as you look at the picture above that the baby swing can hold up to 40lbs, however this structure could probably hold me and a 300 lb man it is so sturdy. What can I say, he loves to build things.
Speaking of my obsessive compulsive husband, he decided to rip out ALL of the grass in our front yard on Saturday. We have had problems with standing water and grubs so he took out all the sod and re-graded the lawn with topsoil and is going to put in all new sod. I swear I'm going to catch him out there with the
scissors cutting it someday. He takes pride in his lawn. Must be a man thing.
Again, with the "gimme gimme hand".

We also went to the annual Kentucky Derby /
Cinco de Mayo party at Scott and Nicki's on Saturday. We ate lots of yummy Mexican food and drank
Margarittas while we watched the Derby. Adam's horse was the big winner but his other horse got last place so that means the party is at our house next year!