Tuesday, November 18, 2008

15 Months

Grace had her 15 month doctors appointment last week . She weighs 22 lbs 10 oz and is 31 inches long! She continues to be in the 50th percentile for weight and height. She still hates Dr. Tim and all hell breaks loose when he comes near her with that stethoscope. The doctor went over all sorts of milestones with me but one question he asked was how many words she is saying. I had to think about this one and said, I don't know- 10-12? He said that was quite a few for her age and to expect that to dramatically increase at 18 months.
That got me to thinking about her words. She says uh-oh, mama, dada, dooley, nana, papa, more, all done, baby, night-night, eye, doodledoos, bye, and ball. And her newest one she said last night- pizza. Clear as day, lol. She also says baba for her sippy cup, Ally is Ayee, Luke is Bookie, and honk-honks are the geese.
What a chatty little girl we have! She has the funniest little attitude too. She will act like she is going to kiss you and then at the last minute shake her head no and laugh. She is also feeding herself using utensils and gets this big cheesy grin on her face because she is so proud of herself. She loves her babydolls and gets her purse over her arm and puts her baby in the shopping cart and tells us "bye!". She sings in the car and dances all the time. She loves to be chased and when you jump out and scare her- she squeals in delight. Adam calls her a diva- you never have to guess what she wants as our little diva makes sure all her demands are met!!


  1. Love the new pics and especially love your new blog look!! She is so stinking cute. The Diva is hilarious. Drew and I were still laughing about how she kept trying to squeeze her butt into that bebe pod! By the way, we found a little panda bear under our rug. I will save it for you guys and give it to you next time we get together.

  2. AWWW That first picture of her is darling! Love it! I'm cracking up at the Diva part too HAHA! She's so funny!

  3. Grace could be a child model! She is absolutely adorable. I love how you describe her - she is a girl after my own heart! :)

  4. Great pics - Happy 15 months Grace! I only have Risa to compare her to, but it does sound like Grace says a lot of words - Risa makes different sounds, but doesn't consistently say any recognizable words. It's so funny that she says 'pizza.'

  5. It sounds like you do have a little diva on your hands. What adorable pic's. Oh, love your new banner.

  6. First of all I love the new banner ! It looks great! Cute pictures! She is getting sooo big! And sounds like she talks up a strom!
