Thursday, November 13, 2008

TFT: Thanksgiving- The Forgotten Holiday

I was at the mall this past weekend and I couldn't help but notice something that really bothered me.

It seems we have forgotten Thanksgiving.

Halloween is bigger than ever. It seems the celebration goes on for weeks. September hits and people are decorating for fall and Halloween, stocking up on candy. As soon as Halloween night is over, out come the Christmas decorations. Maybe it's because you can't really sell Thanksgiving. There are no costumes, candy, or gifts. There is just turkey and a day off from work.

So what was the first Thanksgiving all about anyway? Why should this day be celebrated? The Pilgrims came here to escape the dictatorial church of England and to practice their religious beliefs without persecution. The first Thanksgiving was held because they wanted to thank God that they didn’t all die that first winter. It's all about gratitude and giving thanks.

How could we possibly forget a holiday that reminds us of giving thanks for the blessings in our life? Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I take stock of all I have been blessed with and am fortunate enough to be surrounded by those blessings on that day. I love being with my family and enjoying a home cooked meal. It is a very simple, pure holiday and I think that is why I love it so much.

So what is your favorite holiday? What do you love most about Thanksgiving?


  1. What a nice post with the history of Thanksgiving!!!! My favorite holiday has always been Christmas... although this year, I can't seem to get into the swing of it. Seems like I'm looking forward to it by now... but I feel more overwhelmed by the thought of it than anything! CRAZY! I usually love all the shopping and all that comes along with it... but right now, the thought of shopping and doing all the gifts for kids, etc... has my head spinning! Must just be my place in life... two kids instead of one and the pace of my job lately! AAAAGGGHHH!

  2. My favorite holiday is Christmas. It has always been hard for me to get into Thanksgiving with Christmas being right around the corner. But, you are right, we all need it to remind us to be thankful for everything in our lives!:)

  3. I agree with you, I've always loved Thanksgiving and am always disappointed that it seems to get lost in all of the commercialism of Halloween and Christmas. We don't do Christmas decorations at our house until the day after Thanksgiving when my kids go on a "turky hunt" to gather up all of the fall decorations
