Sunday, January 10, 2010

Funny Girl

2 is such a fun, amazing, crazy, frustrating, insane age. Miss G makes us laugh everyday. The way I have been feeling lately, some days she is the only thing that makes me laugh.

Exhibit A: She has a baby Stella doll and Lori asked her what her baby's name was and she came right back with, "Baby Jesus"

Exhibit B: She has decided on names for the twins. Hannah and Hannah. I said well we can name one Hannah but what about the other one? She says, "Hannah too". Alrighty then :)

This week she decided they were boys apparently. We asked her what we should name the twins and she said, "Moses and Baby Jesus". BWAHAHAHAHAH. Big names to live up to :)

Exhibit C: She went to Beckie's house this week for a couple of days and finger painted with her cousin Noah. She would use one finger, dip the tip in the paint, put in on the paper and then wipe it off with a wipe. Are you kidding me? What kid finger paints like that?!

And this video of her "doing gymnastics". She did all of this with almost an entire chicken nugget in her mouth. I swear we have not taught her any of this. She hasn't even been to a meet in a year. Must be in-born :)


  1. Yay for a posting! lol. She definitely seems to have the finess of a gymnist. hands in the air, very lady like. :) She is soo very cute. :) I love the name choices she has for both boys and girls. It means she is thinking and preparing for twins. :)

  2. When I had my ultrasound for Luke, the tech asked Ally what she thought he was... and she said a boy. She said something like the sibling is right like 90% of the time. Maybe there ARE boys in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. first - that video is awesome. love her 'balancing'. :) i'm glad to hear she is making you smile - you've had such a rough time lately - poor girl! i think tucker and miss g. would get along just great. for a while, he was wanting me to be the mom and he would play baby jesus. NICE.

  4. Loved catching up with your blog and pregnancy! It is so great you are keeping such good tabs on the twins. One day they will know what a strong and determined mother they have! I'm so glad to hear you are finally starting to feel better. Keeping you and your sweet little family in my prayers. :)

  5. I just posted a similar post...Our 2 year old comes up with the silliest comments and interpretations of what we say. I laugh every day. I never want to forget these moments. Congrats on the twins, and good luck with everything.
