Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 18

Oh those babies are a growing. I got to see them in #D this week. An OB at an office I call on in Ohio asked me if I had seen them in 3D yet and whn I said no he offered to do it right then. It was a quick peek but it was so cool to see. Their eyes aren't open yet but I was surprised that they have some fat on them. I was also surprised at how squished they are in there. They are litterally on top of each other!

I also saw them on Friday for a regular ultrasound. LeeAnn did some measurments for me. Baby A was measuring 17-weeks 6 days and Baby B 17-weeks 5 days. So right on target and very close in size!! All very good news. We coud see the four chambers of their hearts which was so cool. You can also see their stomach which is the other black circle.

They are the size of bell peppers this week. 5.5 inches from head to bottom and weighing 7 ounces.
And how about the belly this week...

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