Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 19

Things the doctor said to me this week:

"You need to eat more" and "You are measuring 27 weeks"


Seriously dude? He was all like this was normal....27 freaking weeks, that would put my uterus at 8.5 weeks bigger than with a singleton. Then he follws it up with I need to eat more because I didn't gain any weight again this week. How is it possible I didn't gain any weight and isn't that a good thing considering my size and the size I am going to be??

I have also been feeling a lot of cramping and pressure. I barely got that information out before he was telling me that was normal for twins. How does he know its normal. How am I supposed to know if it is normal? I have come to realize there is no normal with twins :)

The babies are the size of heirloom tomatoes. 6 inches from head to bottom and weighing in at 18.5 ounces.

1 comment:

  1. It truly is insane isn't it? I look back at the pic of me the day I delivered and I can't even believe how HUGE I was. I'll tell you the BEST feeling after is when you sit down and your belly no longer sits on your thighs. Gotta love it. It's totally worth it. :)
