Sunday, February 22, 2009

18 Months

A little late for this post, but here it is bullet style:
  • Miss G weighed in last week at her doctors appt at 23.12 lbs and was 32 inches long. She gained a pound and grew an inch and a half since her 15 month appt. She is between the 25th and 50th %.
  • She cried through her entire check up. I could barely hear Dr. Tim.
  • She is talking up a storm and repeating everything. The cutest one is for "sock" She says "gock" or "uh-oh gock" when she takes her shoes and socks off in the car. The other day we asked her to go find a certain book, she couldn't find it so she looked at Adam and I and said, "Where dat book go?" We were floored.
  • She still won't let me put bows, ponies, or barrettes in her hair and it is killing me. She yanks them right out. She has all this hair and she won't let me touch it. Ugh.
  • Her favorite toys are her little people farm, her vacuum, ball popper, and baby dolls. She loves books and is the book police at nana and papa's during the day- steadfastly refusing to let Luke touch any of HER books
  • She thinks mama's Blackberry is a toy too. She insists that I turn it on for her, she uses her little thumbs to scroll and text, and has emailed and called countless people. Sorry if you have received one of these one letter or blank messages :)
  • She loves music of any kind and is always singing and dancing
  • She is running, climbing, and very physical. No fear. It is hard to catch her to sneak in a cuddle

So this is Grace at 18 months. I love you munchkin girl!!