Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pregnancy: 37 Weeks

Whew, we made it. WE MADE IT!!! 37 weeks and full term babies. Saw Dr. P for the big appointment on Wednesday. This was D-day so to speak. If my cervix had changed since last week he was going to induce me Friday. Measuring 47 weeks pregnant again this week. Had slight cervical change so he decided to go ahead and induce me Monday. Friday would put me at 36 weeks, 6 days which is one day short of full term. One day!!!

So we are going to have babies for sure on Monday! YAY!! Not what I originally had hoped for but there is an end in sight. Passed my non-stress test with flying colors on Wednesday. He set me up for another one on Friday just to make sure since we are getting to the end here and the placenta can be getting a bit, eh....tired of feeding two babies. Baby A's heart rate was a bit high and I had a fall the day before so they kept me for a few hours to monitor them. They ended up letting me go a little early because the babies looked fine and I was really upset about missing taking Grace to the pool. The nurses felt sorry for me because I was losing it over having promised my 2.5 year old that I would take her to the pool and was sitting there crying like an idiot.

After finally making it to the pool at 5 o'clock I met Katie and Nicki for sushi or my "last supper" as they put it. It was just what I needed. So now the countdown begins for babies!! 2 more days!!!

The babies are as lofty as a stalk of Swiss chard and most likely weigh around 6 1/3 pounds. (Length: a bit over 19 inches, head to heel.). That would be 12lbs 10oz plus of baby inside of me!

Here is an idea of what they look like in there (except my girls are in the same sac bc they are identical):

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane - I am a friend of both Scott and Nicki from high school. I have been following your story, as a momma of twins myself. 37 weeks is a major accomplishment, be proud of yourself.

    Good luck tomorrow and hang in there in the next few weeks. Some days will get you, but I cannot imagine one single day without my double blessing. All of your girls are very lucky!!!!
