Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pregnancy: Week 35

This week in preggo news: measuring 45 weeks pregnant. Both babies passed their non-stress test with flying colors this week. I kind of freaked myself out last week about when these babies should be delivered since they are sharing a placenta. The internet is bad, so bad. I addressed my fears with Dr. P and he made me feel better. He said we are keeping a very close eye on these little buggers and he will deliver them if there is any sign of distress. Had an ultrasound on Friday and the estimated weights were 4.9 and 4.7. So who the heck knows how big these babies are going to be, it is all an estimate!! Baby A's head is waaaaaaaay down there, hopefully doing something to move things along. The rest of her curves around my right side by my hip. Baby B's head is on my lower left side and she is at a 45 degree angle across my belly. Her butt is actually near my belly button. She better not flip when her sister makes her way out!!

The babies are now as hefty as honeydew melon at 5 1/4 pounds (Length: more than 18 inches, head to heel.)

1 comment:

  1. So, so glad you are feeling more at ease about everything!!! Glad you talked to P and Laura... and I hope you're feeling as well as you can this week........ you know, two babies would make a GREAT Father's Day gift this weekend! :-)
