Friday, December 5, 2008


It's my blogiversary! Actually my blogiversary was yesterday, December 4th, but I was still kind of down and out after my surgery. ONE YEAR of blogging!! Check out my first ever post here (scroll down).

The surgery went well. I have two one inch incisions- one below my belly button and one below my sternum and a hole on my side. I did pretty well, only dry heaved once from the anesthesia. TMI, right!?! I feel much better today, I can move around a lot easier and even managed to design our Christmas cards and take a shower. Grace doesn't really understand what is wrong with mommy and that has been kind of hard. This is the first surgery I have had since being a mom and it is so much different! Moms aren't allowed to be sick- lol!! Luckily Nana and Papa took her the first night and have been a huge help. Adam has also been doing a lot.

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and thoughts and prayers. Hope to be back to my picture posting self soon!!


  1. Glad everything went well. I was wondering how you were doing. Hope you feel better and better each day!
