Sunday, December 21, 2008

Home Tour

I have been a blog slacker lately. That's the bad news. The good news is that I am caught up on my expense reports, emails, and call notes. All the presents are purchased and wrapped, and the Christmas cards are all addressed and sent. *Sigh* I feel almost ready for Christmas.

So what is new in the Dawson household? Well Grace stayed overnight with both sets of grandparents back-to-back this week! Thursday night when I had my work Christmas dinner and Friday night when Adam and I had a date night. I missed her so much but she had a lot fun. She was a crazy girl with Lexie and helped Grandma Ann bake cookies.

Yesterday was Boomer's birthday. I am so sad I forgot my camera but I am sure Nicki will post about it over here. Check this out to see the first time I met the big guy a year ago.

Other than that I wanted to share these pictures I took last weekend of our Christmas decorations. A little holiday home tour...

The only thing I collect is Willow Tree figurines. My in-laws have bought me the entire nativity scene over the last few years and I love it. Yup, that is a speaker from our surround sound behind the camel. You didn't know there was a big speaker next to the manger the night Jesus was born? Haha...

Look at these two little guys- Salt and pepper shakers. Whenever Grace sees a Santa she says "HO HO HO" in this really deep voice. Papa taught her that.
The decorated Christmas tree.
I probably have a full tote of stuff left over that I didn't put out this year. It is such a pain to get it all out and then put it all away. Ba-humbug right? I can only take it for about 3 weeks before I want my house back to normal. How long do your decorations stay up?
As for the Christmas plans, both Adam and I have to work up to and including Christmas Eve, then I have work off until Jan 5th. We are going to my Uncle Matt's house Christmas Eve for McIntosh Christmas. Christmas day starts out at home, then to the in-laws, then to Aunt Paula's for Dawson Christmas, my mom and dad's for dinner and presents, and finally the Tylutki's for the Wilson side. Can anyone beat me with more than five stops on Christmas? Craziness I tell ya. 'Tis the season....


  1. Busy on Christmas day! I'm super impressed! We are going to go to Matt's too.. since my Grandma and fam are getting together later. But... we will just be at your parents on Christmas day... home in the morning, then over there for the duration! I'm with you... didn't get all my Christmas stuff out either and with the state of our tree... it will probably come down December 26th!!!!!!

  2. Very nice tour!! I will probably take my decor down maybe the Tuesday after. It will be my first day off after Christmas, as Im working all weekend. I need to post my pics of our decor too... :)

  3. Our Christmas Eve/Day used to sound like yours...> Christmas Eve was between my dad's extended family and Ry's mom's extended family. Christmas Day we'd go from our house to Ry's parents house to my dads to my mom's and back home. When Porter was little we decided something needed to change or we'd go nuts... so now Christmas Eve is spent with Ryan's immediate family and we're home Christmas morning and later Christmas Day we spend with my mom, sister and brother. We do our extended family Christmases (Ry's extended family on his moms side and my extended family on my mom's side) in January... the end of January to be exact HAHA! Kind of weird but whatever works... we're all able to get together by then because no one has holiday plans when its practically closer to Valentine's Day than Christmas HAHA!

  4. Very cute house...& great home decor! See you on New Year's Eve, and have fun at ALL those stops on X-Mas, I don't know how you do it!?
