Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What a Weekend

We had a very busy holiday weekend. I took Wednesday off from work and Grace and I went over to my mom and dad's to hang out. Grace helped Nana make pumpkin pie and loved every minute of it. She stood on a chair and put her hands in the dough and flour and thought she was a big helper.

Thursday we went to Ann Arbor to Adam's Aunt Sally's house. We had a wonderful meal and the traditional walk around the neighborhood after dinner. We followed up the walk with pumpkin and chocolate pie. Yumo. It was very relaxing and we had a great time with family. On our way home we drove by Best Buy in Jackson and people were already lining up outside and camping out in RVs and stuff......at 8:30 at night!! What could possibly be worth THAT KIND of NUTS?!?

Friday my mom and I went shopping. We love going out the day after Thanksgiving and usually stumble upon some deals. We went to the bead shop in Jackson where I got 50% off one item and 15% off the rest of my items. I got some of the tools I needed to make what I learned in my silver fusing class at home. Then we headed up to Eastwood and I got this duvet cover that was on sale at Pottery Barn. It was surprisingly dead up there. Maybe the economy is taking its toll? If I actually had to stand in line or buy all my presents that day I don't think I would enjoy it as much. I just like watching all the crazies not being one of them. My mom also forced me to go to the doctor on black Friday. I have had this annoying cough/cold for about three weeks now. I got a chest x-ray and was diagnosed with bronchitis. Why do I always get freaking sick on holidays? I got an antibiotic and I am finally starting to feel better.

Friday night we went to Beckie and Travis's wedding reception. They got married at City Hall a few weeks ago and this was the celebration for all their family and friends. Got some great pictures and a little bit of a hangover. I will share the pics soon.

Saturday was Chass' baby shower. She is expecting a baby boy in March and she got a ton of good stuff at her shower. Saturday night we went to our 10 year high school reunion. On one hand I can't believe it has been 10 years and on the other hand it seems like a lifetime ago. Not too many people showed up but it was great to see those who did and to catch up. One thing we did laugh about is how we all read each other's blogs and how addicting it is. There wasn't a whole lot of catching up to do when you have loyal blog lurkers- lol!!

Sunday was spent relaxing at home and putting up Christmas decorations. I think we will go get our tree next weekend.

Hope you had a great holiday weekend too!! 3 weeks until Christmas!!!


  1. I can't believe some of the people waiting to shop on Black Friday. Nuts. I just can't imagine being that gung ho over an item.

    Sounds like you had a good shopping trip though!

  2. When I first read your blog I thought it said I went to the "bread shop in Jackson." I didn't know there was a bread shop in Jackson! Haha. I haven't finished my morning coffee yet and my eyes are still blurry.

    Hope your surgery goes well. I am praying for you!
