Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 08

Wow, I can't believe it. All that decorating, planning, shopping, and stressing and it's all over in one day. One whirlwind of a day for us :).

It all started with a visit from Santa for Miss Grace. Santa brought her a baby bed and Elmo Live. We got her some play pots and pans, bath toys, and a book. She went to the baby bed first thing and you can see the look on her face. What a cheeseball. She really had no clue what was going on the whole day and was really just happiest seeing her favorite people in the world.

She got a ton of wonderful gifts from everyone. So much so that we spent the entire weekend cleaning out a space in our basement for a playroom for her. Finally room for her to spread out!!

After our family Christmas my in-laws came to our house for Christmas #2. This is a change from usual and let me tell you it was sooooo nice to have them come to us. It made me feel like a real grown up to entertain on Christmas morning. I made breakfast and everything! Grace got a Pottery Barn chair from grandma and papa. She loves climbing in and out of it.

Christmas #3 was at Adam's Aunt Paula and Uncle Jeff's house. This is also a change from usual and is actually a little closer for us from Jackson. The Dawson family is huge and is multiplying at a staggering rate! Adam's grandparents have 15 grandchildren (including 3 month old twins), 4 great grandchildren, and 3 more great grandchildren due in March, April and May of this year!!! I attempted to get a pic of the great grandchildren with no avail. The in-utero great grandchildren were much more accommodating.

We open the exchange gifts one at a time starting with the youngest. Grandpa Dawson has a hard time waiting through ALL those people for his turn. We caught him sneaking a peak....

All of Adam's cousins...

Christmas #4 was at my parents house. Scott and Adam showed up dressed exactly alike down to their Ugg slippers which we of course thought was hilarious. We had a wonderful dinner and enjoyed some wine, beer, and playing of the Wii.

And finally, Christmas #5 at the Tylutkis (Adam's other side of the family). Noah and Grace had fun playing and we tried to get them to sit still long enough to get a picture by telling Grace to give Noah a kiss. I'm sure they will thank us for that some day :)

All in all a wonderful day spent with family and the people we love most. What better gift could we ask for.


  1. Is there really enough time in a day for 5 Christmases :) I'm sure you guys were ready for some wine when you got to your parents!

  2. Oh my goodness, 5 Christmases! I love the picture of all the pregnant cousins. We did the same thing on Christmas Eve with my sister, sister-in-law and cousin, who are all due within 2 weeks of each other!

  3. Merry Christmas Jane. It looks like you had a wonderful one! Yup, I'm trying out this blog. You are my only friend right now that has one, oh and I just saw Toni has one too. I am going to have to try and get others to jump on the bandwagon!

  4. Wow! Looks like you had a busy Christmas! I love the pics!:)
