Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BFF Birthday Buds

Mere and I have been best buds since college. We are so alike yet so different in many ways. She is truly like the sister I never had. We don't get to see each other nearly enough now but Mere's birthday is the 10th and mine is the 11th and we have celebrated every year together since we were 20. That is nine years Mere-Mere!!
This year the whole fam made the trek up to see Mere and Mike up North. I think we scared them a little with our crazy toddler but they will understand someday- lol. They are kinda sorta trying to get pregnant (hope it's okay I am putting that on my blog?) and I am hoping that by some miracle we get pregnant at the same time and have our babies a day apart too! How cool would THAT be?!

We went mushroom hunting in the woods. G thought the woods was great fun. She loves sticks and rocks and dirt.
Mike and Mere bought a boat last summer that they are working hard to get ready for the water this weekend. They are really excited about it. So excited, in fact, that we sat in it in their driveway and drank beers. HAHAH!


  1. How fun you share birthdays so close.
    It looks like you had a fun weekend.

  2. You're very lucky to share a bday with one of your best girl friends! :) Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  3. Awe! I miss Mere. That is so neat you two are keeping the birthday tradition alive!
