Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I saw this in a magazine so I thought I would post my answers here in honor of Mother's Day:

As a mom....

What is you favorite part of the day: When G first gets up in the morning. She is giddy with happiness and all warm and crazy haired. LOVE it.

Least favorite part of the day: Trying to get out of the house to go to work in the morning without losing my mind. I am always rushing and trying to not to forget anything while doing six things at once and managing the tornado that is my toddler.

Proudest Moment: No single moment but it makes me very proud when I see other people taken in by G's charisma. She is shy at first but when she decides you are one of her people she captures your heart

Biggest Ooops / Embarrassing Moment: Spraying breastmilk across a public bathroom in a bookstore while trying to nurse a newborn Grace. I never believed that was possible until it happened to me.

Thing you never said you would do or say (before you were a mom): Give my kid a pacifier after a year old. It's only at nap and bedtime.....making excuses....Ugh!!

Thing you are most looking forward to: Seeing Grace as a big sister some day.

So join in fellow bloggers!! Or post a comment and tell me your answers....

"A Mother's love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible." ~Marion C. Garretty, quoted in A Little Spoonful of Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul

1 comment:

  1. the spraying milk, that is priceless. :) i can laugh since i had a few craZy breastfeeding moments, as well. :)

    hope yesterday was relaxing for you.
