Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Zoo!

We spontaneously decided that we were going to go to the zoo last Thursday. Adam had a few days off from work bc the Holiday Inn he was working burned down and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Nothing like a random Thursday for family fun! It worked out so well. There were no crowds, the weather was perfect, and Miss G loved it!!

We went on a Safari train and had saw giraffe's, zebras, and other African favorites. We also saw elephants, gorillas, orangutans, chimps, monkeys, birds, reptiles, hippos, polar bears, penguins, and so on and so on. Of course Grace's favorite were the birds! She was more intrigued by the duck swimming in the pond in front of the hippo than the ginormous hippopotamus laying there :)

I would have to say mine and Adam's favorites were the orangutans and elephants. The orangutans are so funny! They had a few trainers making the elephants do tricks like raise one leg, shake their heads, lift up both front legs. I was captivated. (click on collage to see pictures bigger)

It was a such a gift to spend the entire day doing something special and fun just as a family.

Admission: $22

Parking: $6

Sippy cup (bc we forgot ours in the car): $6

Lunch: $20

The Memories: PRICELESS :P


  1. You can never go wrong with the zoo. :)

  2. Ha I laughed at the forgotten sippy cup. I always forgot the umbrella stroller for some reason- we literally have 5!
