Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Birthday #29

We usually do a joint Mother's Day / Birthday celebration and this year we did it on Sunday. Both sides of the family got together at my mom and dad's house. It is always so touching and cool to see how integrated my family and Adam's family are. It is touching to me because everyone is so willing to celebrate together. I just think that is a rare thing and it always amazes me for some reason.

We had a Mexican feast. Hard and soft tacos, guacamole, fruit salad, cake, and mint chocolate chip ice cream . All my favorites.

Anyway, Bookie and Grace were up to no good as usual. Bookie will do anything to make Grace laugh. Even if it is lick some random metal thing outside. Which she promptly took a taste of too.

My dad beating Scott with a wrapping paper roll. Gee, I wonder why Luke and Grace beat the crap out of each other :)
Monday was my actual birthday. The big 2-9. My big plans? Going to work and getting my license renewed. All day people kept making jokes about me being old and only having one more year until I was really old. I didn't really appreciate that.
Then my coworkers decided to get together at Hunt Club for Happy Hour after work. I seriously have the best coworkers ever. After that, I just stayed there and my mom, dad, Adam, Grace, Matt, and Jenny came in for the second shift. It was the never ending happy hour- lol!!
I think 30 is going to be tough for me. I am completely happy and satisfied where I am in my life right now but it just seems like such a big milestone. Like I will be a real grownup and should have everything figured out. Do you ever really figure everything out? My birthday wishes for my 29th year are to sell our house and add to our family.

This is what I got for my birthday! A sewing machine!! I really am turning into a grandma. My whole family went in on this and the sewing basket and a $50 gift card to JoAnn's. I also got a Target and GAP gift certificate. Does my family know me or what? I do think they think I am a little crazy. Just what I need, right, another hobby :) I have no idea how to sew but I can't wait to start making stuff.
Adam helped me set it up and thread the needle. All those years being dragged to JoAnn's by his grandma were apparently not wasted. He even tried it out and insisted on making a "pillow" out of an old t-shirt. I told him I was taking pictures and putting them on my blog because Adam sewing is just not something you expect to see every day.

All in all it was a wonderful birthday. Thank you for all the birthday texts, fb msgs, emails, and calls. I feel very loved.


  1. Too funny, I have been lusting after a sewing machine FOREVER! Nevermind that I don't know how to sew either. Or, the fact I have been working on knitting the same scarf for 2 years now. haha! I am glad to see Adam getting so domestic. He makes such a cute homemaker.

  2. Looks like a great size sewing machine for a beginner! I think its about the same as mine, maybe a little bigger. But still small enough that we can get together at Nicole's and learn a few things. You teach us jewelry, Nic teaches us our camera functions, and Ill teach the sewing. :)

  3. OMG!! That's hilarious because I have been thinking about asking my MIL to help me get started on some easy items to learn how to sew...curtains for one, and maybe skirts for the summer?? You'll have to let me know if it's been easy to catch on. I'm thinking maybe we could all bring sewing machines over to someone's house one night this summer and have a "learn to sew night" for us rookies!??

  4. Wow! Adam is quite talented. That's a pretty nice pillow. I think a sewing machine is great! I've been dying to learn how to crochet...now that's granny! I'm glad you had a nice birthday. It's easy to embrace 30 when you look like your 20 ;)

  5. I love my sewing machine! I actually want to get a new one that is more high-tech. I have outgrown my basic model. You will come to find out it is a necessity you can't live without!
    By the way...Happy Belated Birthday!! 29 is not so bad! Embrace this last year before your 3rd decade of life.

  6. That is nice that both Adam's and your families get together. Looks like you had a wonderful birthday. Love the pictures of Adam sewing.

  7. What a great gift, a sewing machine! Looks like you had a great birthday! :)

  8. So great! If you start making dresses I am in! I forgot you were only one year younger than me... I turned 30 in October and it was no biggie. Don't worry, we are still young :)

  9. Jane, I feel like such a putz. I'm just getting online since a week ago, and realized that I totally missed your birthday, even though I saw you briefly last weekend. Sounds like you had an enjoyable birthday and awesome gifts! Happy Belated 29th!!

    BTW...I'm 3 weeks from 38 and no, I don't think you ever really do figure it out. You just have to hope that with time and experience, you'll get a little closer and wiser. I don't think you have anything to worry about. ;)

  10. Happy Birthday! I LOVE your new sewing machine:)

  11. Looks like a fun birthday! I have a sewing machine, and Love it!:) In fact, I should sew more...

    Love all the pictures.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! I always think of you on May 11th, b/c that is my mom's birthday, too! I know what you mean about being 29 and feeling like you should have all the answers . . . will we be asking that when we are turning 60? Probably!
