Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yup, this pretty much sums us up

(click to make larger)
Dorks. Seriously BIG dorks. We think we are funny though. This was our one night out on the town. Lets just say we can't quite party like we used to. But, we did manage one night and had a great time. Note to self: "Sushi is not a good idea before a night on the town". HAHAH.

And the video. This was on the way to the mall when we had no idea that Ilene was videoing us from the back seat. A pretty good example of what dorks we are and how we have fun just being together. Period.

My favorite part is when we bust out the robot half way through in perfect unison. Nice Work :)

(okay for some reason the video won't upload, will try again later)


  1. OMg..too funny. I will remember no sushi before going out. Oh, but wait, I don't ever go out! hahaha.

    For some reason, I couldn't make the pic's bigger?

  2. Looks like fun!! Yeah I couldn't make the picture larger either. I want to see details!! Hahha! Oh and I want to see that video!! :)
